1. Consider whether DIVERSITY is simply a component of your motto, or is it a truly LIVED value of the company. If your lowest ranked|paid staffers are diverse, but leadership is predominantly White, Cis, heterosexual, etc., then reconsider how diversity truly shows up in the workplace.
2. Equality is the bare minimum. Giving an apple to both a starving man and someone with more food on their plate than they can consume is equality. Setting a system in which the marginalized have the ability to purchase and consume what they need in order to thrive in the same system that allows someone else to consume more than enough is a push toward EQUITY.
3. Who’s in the room when decisions are made, especially when those decisions mostly impact the underserved? Again, consider #1; if everyone looks the same and identifies in the same way, how can you ensure that the needs of others are actually being considered? How can you make space for others to speak for their community, rather than the privileged speaking for them (usually based on assumption)? INCLUSIVE spaces are key to ensuring the needs of all are prioritized.